about the blog

what i’m trying to do is write a story.
it’s no less my life than it would be otherwise, it’s just anonymous.
a life that can apply to anyone, yet doesn’t.

so please, comment, read, try to understand that behind the shadow, the mask, the dream there is a person: me. and every word written, typed, carefully chosen is the carefully applied glittering soot on the eyelashes.

19 responses to “about the blog

  1. love your writing. I can see you painting a beautiful and detailed picture. Enjoy writing your short – on of the things I do too.
    would love to post you as a link

    thanks for visiting my site :)

  2. hi. do you have a book of poetry i can buy somewhere? if you’re not published yet can WE PLEASE do something about it? :-D

  3. sweet on you. have tweeted on you too.

  4. hey
    i have just seen you have a dice man quote up there. yeppi – like the dice man

  5. Oh, now the picture is quite clear about this – so do I conclude you as ‘anonymous introvert’ ?

    By the way amazing writing.Though absurd to understand at once, if one follows what you said “try to understand that behind the shadow, the mask, the dream there is a person” – your writing seems to be compelling !

  6. I love your blog and want you to know it’s up!!!!!

    glittering soot on her eyelashes

  7. Pingback: Liquid Gold~

  8. I just want to let you know that you’ve been nominated for the versatile-blogger-award. Check out the rules and all on my blog.

  9. Just wanted to let you know I was inspired by the Neruda quote at the top of your page! Hadn’t seen that in awhile. Brought back some memories!

  10. Hey! So I love your blog and actually loved it enough to nominate you for a blogging award that I just received call the Liebster award!! You can see my post about it and how to accept the award here: http://dancingroundintherain.wordpress.com/2012/05/18/wow-thank-you-so-much/
    Thank you for everything you write! Your poetry and comments on my own poetry truly is inspiring to my writing:))

  11. By the way – that calendar stamp thingie on the upper right corner of the image when the post’s image comes before the words, that just felt so special. I’ve seen it a couple of times before but this site just gives it a different depth. Just for that I am thinking of switching themes!

    Your blog is a blessing. I mean it with all my heart.

    • Oh wait. I tried out the theme but it won’t do it that way for me. The date stamp stays above the image. Did you edit your CSS? Can you email me about it, when you find the time? (And you can delete this little comment afterward.) :-)

  12. Where did you go?! I miss your poems!!!

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