your life is blistered…

your life is blistered
by the setting sun
and dreams we dreamt
as if we were living
for one life only

the jokes we told
today: the ironies of life,
the laughs we laughed
callused by bitter strangeness 

to you
is but a foreign language
to me it’s broken glow stick lighting up the sky

 i’ll say goodbye
but not in english

i’ll say goodbye
and it will be forever new.


last weekend i was away with friends. trekking. miles walked under the coldness of october sun with you, with Y and others. according to Y it is over a year since he began life anew with his blonde. i know it isn’t. the day he professes their anniversary is the day i spent crying in his arms. it was the day when i almost begged him for a platonic kiss. it was the day he said “how can it be platonic if we are in love?”

7 responses to “your life is blistered…

  1. very nice…that last stanza is a killer

  2. once again, your words amaze me.

    It’s odd how our days are so similar sometimes. My weekend was spent seeing more of the ex than normal also. I don’t know yet how to feel about it–calm or totally uneasy. Hope you’re well!

  3. moondustwriter

    Love has a way of confusing and confounding doesnt it my dear friend and in the end???

    It is a mysterious journey.
    Enjoy all of it

    hugs for your week

    moonie hugs

  4. awww, moon, you always put a reassuring smile on my face. thanks so much. and love is a journey, yes. we must have photographs, else we forget.

    more hugs back to you
    because you glitter :D


  5. This is very beautiful in a “bum-me-out” melancholic way … haunting really!

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